Download Our Skybrake App
Several Options At A Touch
With the Skybrake application, you can select the best option for your car, motorcycle or truck and perform actions without needing to be in the vehicle’s perimeter. This can be controlled all through the Skybrake application. The options that our application offers, vary from locking and unlocking the car alarm, checking the fuel consumption, to even immobilizing your vehicle from any place at any time.
Dashboard Control External To Your Car
Enable and disable various direct application settings. You can send commands via your mobile to work together with your car whenever a problem appears. For example; In a day of heat or coldness, you can set your car to start 15 minutes before you leave for work or maybe even turn on the air conditioning to avoid leaving windows open thus eliminating any security threat.
Real Time Notifications of Vehicle Safety
Be notified if anything interacts with your vehicle as it is happening. In the event of a potential thief attempting to damage or gain entry to your car, you can set up notifications such as SMS notifications or a direct phone call to notify you of such a threat. Depending on your security requirements, you can set up the application to act in the manner that suits you. Download our application today to see the vast range of parameters available to you once a Skybrake product has been purchased and conveniently installed to your vehicle.